Monday, March 15, 2010

3 months of nothing....

wow did I go MIA on this blog.

I guess being a dad, husband and coach takes a lot of time!

That said, don't expect some long rambling 3 month update!

Here is the bullet point version:
-Cross Ended...not great, but good nonetheless (3 wins)
-The holidays came and I gained 12 pounds.
-The kids had a blast over the holiday period
-it snowed a bit
-i skied a bit...then it rained...and rained....and was warm.
-i raced 2 x Winter Tris (even though there were 4 on the schedule...see rain)
-Now I am getting ready for spring. Might start to ride my bike too.

Hope you had a great 3 months too!


GetBackJoJo said...

KP, more effort, please. more effort. ;)

MaineSport said...

Fat and lazy....

Kurt P. said...

@ Steve, that's my favorite way to be!

rungirl said...

I know where the 12 lbs came from ... that's obvious from all those twitter pics!!

You'll come around ... you always do. :)

Trigirlpink said...

Yes, you suck at blogging. Keep it up and I'll have to take you off my prized blog roll.
12 pounds? The horror....